News Releases from 2015

Center for Visual Computing Researchers Receive Marr Prize Honorable Mention at the International Conference on Computer Vision

Researchers at the UC San Diego Center for Visual Computing received a Marr Prize honorable mention for their work at the International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2015. Saining Xie and Zhuowen Tu were chosen from 1698 submissions for their paper, titled "Holistically-Nested Edge Detection." Researchers from the Center presented a total of eight papers at the prestigious event. 

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Center for Visual Computing / Video Conversation with Director Ravi Ramamoorthi

The Center for Visual Computing is featured in the latest edition of UC San Diego's Computing Primetime.

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Qualcomm Institute Convenes Conference on Future of Virtual Reality

Experts from academia and industry will share their insights into the future of virtual reality technology and content at the first annual Future of Virtual Reality conference. The 2015 event takes place Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 8-9 at Calit2’s Qualcomm Institute at UC San Diego.

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UC San Diego Launches edX Channel; Computer Graphics Course Announced

The recently-launched CSE-based Center for Visual Computing, or VisComp, at UC San Diego, confirmed that its first course on the edX learning platform will be taught by the center’s director, computer science professor Ravi Ramamoorthi. 

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Center for Visual Computing launches

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego have launched the UC San Diego Center for Visual Computing, which brings together experts in computer graphics, computer vision, computational imaging and augmented reality with the goal of making significant, long-term contributions to visual computing and imaging technologies.  

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Center for Visual Computing Makes Debut at 2015 Research Expo

The new Center for Visual Computing, an 'agile' research center based in the CSE department, had its official unveiling April 16 during the 2015 Research Expo of the Jacobs School of Engineering. 

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Center for Visual Computing Gets Ready to Take a Bow

The Computer Science and Engineering department is home to a new research center on computer vision and graphics, computational imaging and augmented reality, to be announced soon. 

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