News Releases from 2018

December 4, 2018
Zexiang Xu named 2019 Adobe Fellow
UC San Diego Computer science PhD student Zexiang Xu has been named a 2019 Adobe Fellow. Xu is part of the lab of Ravi Ramamoorthi. Xu's research interests include computer graphics and computer vision, including rendering, appearance modeling, appearance and geometry capture, hair modeling and light fields.

December 4, 2018
Zhuowen Tu named 2019 IEEE Fellow
UC San Diego professor Zhuowen Tu has been named a 2019 IEEE Fellow for contributions to computer vision, medical imaging, and deep learning. Tu is a member of the UC San Diego Center for Visual Computing and a professor in the Department of Cognitive Science at UC San Diego.

UC San Diego Computer Graphics Grad Student Wins International Award
UC San Diego 1st year computer science graduate student Tiancheng Sun has won first place in the undergraduate category of the 2018 ACM Student Research Competition. Tiancheng Sun is being recognized for work entitled “Attribute-preserving gamut mapping of measured BRDFs.” This is ACM’s highest honor for undergraduate computer science research. He will be the youngest recipient at the ACM awards banquet in June in San Francisco, which honors all ACM award winners (and ACM Fellows) at various career stages (up to the Turing award).

Fur Real - Scientists Improve Computer Rendering of Animal Fur
The next computer-generated animals in King Kong or The Lion King could look a lot more realistic thanks to a breakthrough by computer scientists at the University of California. The researchers from UC San Diego and UC Berkeley developed a method that dramatically improves the way computers simulate fur, and more specifically, the way light bounces within an animal’s pelt.